Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Love Your Planet!

What a gorgeous week it has been so far here in Vancouver. Warm days with clear skies and brilliant sunshine. The walk into work feels like a dream some days even more so since changing my path to include walking by the water for half of the morning journey.

It could be the weather and the global warning advisory for those laying in the sun or the non-stop research and development for Keli’s film Plant This Seed, but there is definitely a growing urgency within us to affect change. Whether you have seen or read any of the films and books mentioned over the years in these observations or maybe you are just now starting to realize, that the everyday decisions you make affect the world we live.

It’s about time that apathy and fear be replaced by action and love. The bottom line is that we cannot continue living the way we live. Change is not imminent it is upon us now. Let us take some steps now before one day we have a way of life forced upon us that contradicts our evolutionary spirit. The truth is the world is changing in so many different ways and very rapidly. Of special consequence is the change in the planet’s climate. I understand that many of you don’t want to hear about this argument anymore. Some of you know about it and yet feel helpless to do anything.

Five years ago when we found ourselves deeply entrenched in reading and researching the state of the world politically, socially, economically and environmentally, it was impossible to simply take in all this information and carry on the same every day. The change process had begun within our minds and then our hearts, soon thereafter our very words and actions would change who we were. We were definitely moving towards a crossroads on planet earth and we believed it.

We sold our car and started taking city transit. When the transit system went on strike we switched to walking everywhere, which is still our favourite way to get in and around Vancouver. We investigated into organic vegetables and fruits, searching out local produce and other products made in Canada. We picked up a Greenpeace booklet listing all the foods that use genetically modified organisms and soon after cleared out much of the contents in our kitchen shelves. Every little bit counts and there is more to do. Recycling. Saving electricity and cutting back water usage. Composting. Hybrid cars. Alternative sources of energy. Hemp.

As the new film coming out May 24th states, to many of us this is An Inconvenient Truth, but it is one that we should not ignore. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, An Inconvenient Truth is a film that “eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Al Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. The film is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry.”

The new issue of Vanity Fair is the first ever Green Issue with 50 ways to help save the planet. First ever green issue???? I know, it’s alarming isn’t it. The front cover of the issue spotlights the eco-warriors from Hollywood and the White House with Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Al Gore himself. I hope journalists, editors and writers who haven’t found this topic sexy enough or worthy of their ink, will finally reach out and lend their hands to help inform and educate the citizens of earth.

Don’t be fooled. You will be hearing and reading more and more stories about keeping our planet green. You may even feel that many celebrities and politicians are simply jumping on the green bandwagon for more exposure and fame but the fact is many of us around the world have been spreading the message for years. Scientists have come and gone while still working to find solutions for our troubled oasis. Politicians and environmentalists have been gagged, vilified and ignored. Now we are heading into a time where we will no longer whisper in the halls but rather shout from the tops of mountains to be heard.

So I simply ask you to bring this topic into your homes, with your families and friends, to ignite discussion and action to our climate crisis. Share the smiles from doing what you CAN do to help save the world. It’s about sharing information and knowledge and applying our newfound wisdom to our lives.

This has been another Observation from the Island.


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