Friday, April 07, 2006

Carnival of characters

Dreams. Last night was definitely a first as far as my personal dreams go. For the last month I’ve been on contract, writing for a marketing & communications company on Granville Island. So last night I was playing catch up in the Phreeagent world writing a new YET update for the website, that I finally posted with new images as well. For those of you who don’t know, I manage a website and artist agency called Phreeagent Creative Group, which promotes creative talent, events and projects in multi-media, arts and communications. Finally the day was over and I was officially exhausted.

I headed to bed around midnight for a deep sleep and found myself traveling through time and landing in a small beach home in Grand Bend, Ontario. I had the impression that I was on my way to another destination and this was merely a pit stop, as if I was on Christmas holidays heading from one merry home to another. From old real-estate agent friends to former co-workers from the ivory tower days. Make up artists from Vancouver and family from Quebec who I hadn’t seen for years. They all managed to keep popping into this small condo near the water on a gorgeous sunny day. As the night appeared we all silently fell asleep there but I was only able to sleep for a few hours and was out on the balcony by three in the morning. As I came back inside I realized a few others were awake and packing, getting ready to leave as if three a.m. was their departure time. So I made it mine as well and left, only to wake from my dream mere moments later.

It felt like the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles, with all these various characters popping out of nowhere and you had to look closely and you would find another person and another. Past, present and possibly a nod to the future, it was all about people. Bizarre. Yet I had no idea why we were all there. There seemed to be no celebration or real reason for any of it. So it makes me think of the following.

If you’ve never been to Quebec City you must check it out, as it is a one of a kind in our country. Give someone you haven’t spoke to in a long time a call or write them a letter, you never know how you might brighten up their day. Don’t burn your bridges you may have to go back the way you came in order to go in a new direction of your choosing. Sing, hum, play music and listen to music. In my opinion, it seems to have the most powerful effect of all the arts. Check out the music at if your looking for something fresh. Lastly, enjoy your dream state; it is the window to endless creative imagination.

This has been another Observation from the Island.
Have a fantastic weekend!

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