Well I could sit down and begin to decipher and organize all the thoughts and feelings that are inspiring this moment of written word. Maybe I could shape an outline first, then develop it into a nice story according to all the writing rules that exist, but lately I find myself back where I started years ago. Simply allowing the words and expressions to come out of me unaltered, raw. People seem to connect with it, so why fight it. It may leave me an unpublished author until my death but such is life, and death.
I guess I wish the whole world could just stop! At least for one full day so everyone can have a chance to just listen and truly take stock of one’s life and the wonderful life that surrounds us. Let everyone rest from his or her worries and fears. One seems never to have enough time to do so and even when they do it is marred with interruptions and distractions. If we all had this opportunity would we not see that we are all going in different directions and we are all responsible for our global disconnect? We could all stop to catch the same frequency and realign ourselves with natural timing. In other words, our complaints and suffering would cease to exist if we could stop the mechanisms of global living so we could rest and find the truth to end the lies. Come together and help one another, share with each other, all truths. These truths travel time by spreading information to all those who are in the dark, through an army of storytellers.
I just finished reading a booked called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. As the story plays out, unfolding America’s true colours of imperialism from Vietnam, Saudi Arabia all the way to Iraq and Iran, the question still arises from readers -what can we do? Of course the basics come out again and again, write to this person and that person, make your choices with your dollars and your mind. Yet, so much of this information has been available for decades while our suspicions run rampant, but still here we are looking for more answers. When we find some free time. We are barely given enough time to grieve and to enjoy life let alone the time and patience to seek all truths.
So what truths have been kept from us? Or are they simply assumptions that the rest of us unwillingly are simply assuming. Is it just the way it is? The current cover story from Adbusters magazine, talks about how the hipster is the dead end of Western Civilization. In the article the author summarizes –
“We are a lost generation, desperately clinging to anything that feels real, but too afraid to become it ourselves. We are a defeated generation, resigned to the hypocrisy of those before us, who once sang songs of rebellion and now sell them back to us. We are the last generation, a culmination of all previous things, destroyed by the vapidity that surrounds us. The hipster represents the end of Western civilization – a culture so detached and disconnected that it has stopped giving birth to anything new.”
Although I find his generalizations rather simplistic I did find this article very interesting but a strong part of me relates to the hipster in that I can see how some of us have come to this point. I strongly believe that despite all of our efforts with the worldwide protests that ensued after 9/11 in response to the US decision to invade Iraq, that for millions of us, the wind under our sails was extinguished. It was a major blow to our collective consciousness and it has taken years for us to rise again. Now, millions of us believe that nature itself will lead the final blow back to the system. A system that we must finally believe has never behaved for the greater good of this planet and all of its inhabitants. Have you ever heard of a planet called Nibiru? I feel Jon flying around me nudging my elbow that sets these fingers into motion. He wants the truth to be set free too. Let us raise our children to set sail and live in a time of freedom that is unaltered, raw and breathes new life into one that is dying a very slow death.
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