One thing is for sure is that feeding and the eventual passing of gas is a huge relief for the little man. There is no end to the different sounds this young man makes in and around feeding. From the grunts and whimpers to the sounds that remind me of Goat Boy from Saturday Night Live, he is always entertaining and very expressive - which is so strange coming from such quiet and shy parents! For me there are definitely three highlights from Ben's first three weeks of life so far other than the first day he actually arrived.
1/ Momma and Ben. There is nothing like their bond and their soul gazing moments, it'll make any mother cry, some Dad's too. I love the way she talks to him and how he seems to listen, a dialogue that began in earnest ten months ago. I love it when she sings and dances with him and when his head begins to bop in some kinda of rhythm.
2/ Falling asleep on Dad's shoulder. It's like a small bag of potatoes nestled close to your chin but it is softer, smells better and you can't help covering it in kisses. One arm keeping him tight while the other one rubs his back into a deep sleep. You delay the eventual drop off into the crib as long as you can knowing sooner than later, they'd rather walk and run freely, independently, exploring their world. I can already sense that with the way he kicks and throws those big arms and mitts around.
3/ Bath time. I've wrote about it before and it still stands true - he just seems so peaceful and reflective in the water. With his hair all slicked back his eyes pop into prominence and keeps you locked into his gaze. He seems to do some of his deepest thinking in the water while he observes closely the two sets of hands that help bathe him. Must be the best spa experience ever!

This has been a three week Observation by Chico!
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