Monday, May 14, 2007

Dear Sweetheart

Dear Sweetheart,

Well this morning started smoothly enough until I realized I was five blocks down the street without the keys to the office. So now that I was running late I decided to take the Aquabus across the water into Yaletown, instead of the nice walk across the Cambie bridge.

The ocean scents drifted into my lungs and immediately placed my mind on vacation. Almost instantly my thoughts escaped to a tranquil oasis by Kalamalka lake, the Pacific Ocean or alongside the shore of Au Leuk Bay in Thailand. My body momentarily attempted to join my mind on this journey and suddenly the sounds of the workers and piledrivers whispered away, the traffic jam - gone, only the distant sound of seagulls could slightly penetrate this morning bliss. I simply imagined the three of us on hiatus from the system and taking the time and pleasure to get to know eachother well, especially the newest addition to the family. Soon my little boat came to pick me up and all I could hold on to was the scent of the ocean. That ebb and flow to life that keeps it going, keeps battling the waves in search of a shoreline only to set sail again and again for new land, a new home.

This weekend was filled with great visits from family and friends. We watched two documentaries one called What Children Want which was fantastic and another called The Lost Ancient Civilization by Graham Hancock. We painted the crib and did some more design work in the baby's room. We checked our lists and kept wondering if we had forgotten anything but we feel prepared. I think we are doing great and most of the credit must go to you sweetheart.

Since the exciting day we did the pregnancy test and confirmed our loving efforts were rewarded with a plus sign, it has been an incredible joy and honour to experience all of this with you. Your spirit, grace and loving acceptance of this part of your life's journey has been inspiring to be a part of with you. Watching your heart grow as your little belly moved around with anticipation each day, the ever present glow that radiated all around you. I am truely blessed and thankful for the last nine months of awe and I will continue to be right by your side for the next precious weeks and the many years to come.

As we get closer and closer to the special day I just want to tell you "you're amazing" just like a little six year old niece said years ago. Thank you for taking care of this miracle and I look forward to seeing your beauty, love, humour, energy, wit, intelligence, creativity and spirit in our loving child. Whoo-hoo, I'm excited.

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