Its 8:20 a.m. on a Thursday morning, the skies are grey and amidst all the skyscrapers around us, it feels even darker. Things are quiet on the 7th floor here in downtown Vancouver as people continue to slowly wake up to their daily work routine. As I wait for my pile of transfer documents to land on my desk for processing I can only do what comes so natural to me – painting with words.
Here, within these paragraphs, I can release my morning thoughts, observations, dreams, and frustrations. By the end of it all I am full of insight and clarity. It’s just the way it goes – most days. Tomorrow marks the end of two weeks at this temporary gig which has been okay so far. Most nights I head back home and scour the career listings in this city, finding out about new companies and researching ideal places to contract work. Tonight I have my weekly basketball and the in-laws are coming to visit.
My wife has about 15 weeks or so to go until our baby arrives, it’ll be great to hang out with some family this weekend. Last night as I lay beside her with my hand on her belly I would follow all the strong kicks everywhere they went. Sometimes I would give a little kick back, feeling as though we had some preliminary communication going on between father and child. It’s pretty mind blowing. Something you’ll never forget, these unmatched feelings of anticipation that come with pregnancy. I can only imagine the immensity of what my wife is feeling.
The other night we watched the new Robin Williams film, Man of the Year. It was fantastic! I would highly recommend it to everyone; in fact, right now I believe it’s a great companion to the documentary Inconvenient Truth. This film has some of the best writing I’ve heard in a long time. It was reminiscent of many of the discussions I have heard among friends over the last few years, as well as from people who I wish were my friends like Jon Stewart. It almost felt like the film may have been written about Jon Stewart in some ways. I won’t tell you anymore except I think you’ll be very surprised by this film and how much it managed to say.
Final thoughts for the day.
Beats – I’m working on a new 1.5 hour mix to hopefully upload by next week. I’m loving this mix with tracks by Eamon, Fujiya and Miyagi, DJ Shadow, The Knife and other aural delicacies.
Images – Check out photographer Javier Lovera's website. I met him in Toronto through Steve Carty – who just updated his website recently too. Talented folks.

Words – Hopefully you’ve read this all. : )
Design – nothing new this week
Love – did you read it all?
Life – here we are.
Politics – Watch “Man of The Year”
Monday Feb.26
Holy mac! What a week! It's been less than a week since I wrote the above and it feels like so much has already happened. Gone is the brief time warp back into the ivory tower in the financial sector and say hello to the media & communications world again. Friday I received word of a great new gig with a great company called The Ace Film Company which started today. I'm back in class for the last course in my business program. Baby is still kicking. Lots of things happening more to come soon. "Oh happy day. Oh happy day."
Thanks for stopping by and reading. Hope you enjoyed this latest installment of Chico’s Observations.
Chico Observations
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