Today the rain has finally stopped after leaving us a wet long weekend but I shouldn't complain as we had some gorgeous weather for the last couple of weeks. In fact, when it started raining I couldn't remember the last time we had a rainfall but figured it would be good for the land. So it's already Thursday and this is the first time I've had a chance to think about writing something for the observations this week.
It's been a couple of busy weeks and its only going to get busier. As I think about everything going on I'm also perusing over some articles and stories today on different websites, magazines and papers to see what the world is talking about. I haven't had cable television for at least six years and its been wonderful without it, but we recently signed up for it since we both work in the media world of television and advertising. I must admit I'm in love with the Knowledge channel and Discovery, amazing programming that doesn't leave me numb. Although there is just a flood of reality garbage on the tube I must admit that once in a while as I flick up and down the channels, a couple of minutes of Flavour Flav's love life (pimp life) cracks me up. Last night Inked had my attention as they open up a new tattoo shop in a casino. Opening night had celebrities like Dennis Rodman, Robin Leach, John Salley, and the guys from NSync (lol) show up for some tattoos.
Immigration is hot news too and not just in America. I was speaking to a friend just today who drove down to the US from Vancouver who had the usual difficult time crossing the border. It seems just because she is originally from Colombia but still has a Canadian passport, she gets red flagged all the time as a possible drug czar threat. Down south the immigration bill nears passage in the US senate where they estimate there are 12 million illegal immigrants residing. Here in Canada our lovely government has been sending Portuguese immigrants packing back to their homeland too, recalling my own childhood memory of close family friends who also had the same fate back in the 1970's.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was starting night classes again and I'm now in week three and just loving it. I'm really enjoying the magazine writing class. Basically the first part of the class is lecture and discussion and then the second part is a workshop. Everyone has two articles to write during the course and everyone reads them and critiques them as you move through the rewriting stage and eventually get it ready to publish. I handed in my first story last night and it will be critiqued in two weeks. The story is about a close friend's account of his frustrating and painful time in a hospital recently. The second story which has to include an interview is going to be about the Young Men's Adventure Weekend Society.
Some of you may remember from my Observations from the 19th Floor my excitement about being part of the great weekend a couple of years ago. Well I am part of the 2006 team and my first meeting is tonight. For those of you who don't know about it please check out the amazing website by the very talented phreeagent, Dorian Leslie, at In a nutshell, YMAW is a weekend of fun and teamwork; encouraging a spirit of responsibility and honour in young men's lives, through positive relationships with each other and with adult men. A group of us get together each spring and start putting together the event for young men from the ages of 12-17. The weekend is nothing short of exhilarating, inspiring, challenging and empowering - oh yeah - a ton of fun!!
This years event takes place July 14, 15 and 16 somewhere in the wilderness of British Columbia! I encourage anyone out there reading this who knows someone in this age group to check out our website and contact us to be part of this great experience.Thank you for checking out another edition of Observations from the Island.
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