The bonding, the teamwork, the outpouring of love the past couple of weeks is overflowing like Canadian maple syrup on a mile high stack of pancakes. Ridiculous. So where is the theme, the point of this installment of Chico's Observations? Just witnessing Ben's growth has been a blessing, exemplified this past week seeing him with children close in age. Aiden, Elizabeth and the older wiser Elise, were all closely observed by Benjamin himself who is a social butterfly already. I look forward to all these spurts of growth in developing his interactive skills. The bonding and communication is incredible and it is I who continues to learn how he communicates best. Yet, so far so good and Ben continues to be shits and giggles.
Ben is smiling and laughing a lot and has his own little babble speak which I like to join him in and see who babbles louder. Mr Bobblehead is also holding his head very well for long stretches at a time. He loves the hammock in the yard, listens to a lot of music and loves dancing in our arms. Lately he has really taken the title of Champ to heart as he is sleeping through the night already - because he loves his mom so much! Benjamin's song for this past weekend was LADY by Tom Jones, he digs the old school as much as the new school.
Thanks for reading another one of Chico's Observations.